Hidden Lincolns

Send Us Your Lincolns!

Have you seen a Hidden Lincoln in Disneyland or some other Disney-related place? If so, please send us an e-mail with both a description of the Hidden Lincoln and, if at all possible, a photograph.

Photos should be in jpeg or tiff (preferred) format and as big as possible so we can format them for our site without losing clarity. Photos of things that look like Hidden Lincolns from other locations that we might think are worth sharing with our readers are also welcome, but pornographic "joke" photos are not.

Please e-mail your sightings, photos, and questions to our Webmaster at:

gene [at] pantsaflame [dot] com

Be sure to put "Hidden Lincolns" somewhere in the subject line. We will try and respond to your e-mail as soon as possible and will let you know if we can use your photo.


This page copyright 1999–2016 Hidden Lincolns dot Org
Images of Abraham Lincoln used without his permission.
Be a good American -- Don't steal anything.